I decided to have all the kids in the class draw and color pictures of flowers in various sizes on a plain white piece of paper.
Then I cut them all out.
Next I drew a tree branch on the canvas, and stuck sticker letters on the branch.
Paint your background then the branch. Once your branch is dry, peel the letters off and go over the letters lightly so you can still see the word Grow
Next place all your flowers on the branch and paste them down with mod podge. Once that dries go over the whole canvas with modge podge... and your done.
Perfect gift for a teacher, grandparent or mothers day gift!
On the back around the canvas I wrote:
Thank you for showing us how to grow, and then wrote all the kids names. Kindergarten 2011
Supplies Needed:
- Flowers drawn and colored in different sizes and styles.
- Modge Podge
- Canvas 16x20
- acrylic paint
- sticker letters
- black sharpie marker
Came out great!! :)