What you need: *Canvas any size. We were working on 12x12 Gallery Wrapped Canvas'
*Acrylic Paints. White and any main color(s) and a optional dark brown or black
*Mod Podge (matte or glossy)
*Paint brush or foam brush and small decorative Brush
* Black sharpie
*Decorative handmade papers. You can find these at a local art store or online
(I buy mine from Dick Blick here is a link to papers http://www.dickblick.com/categories/decorativepapers/#assortmentsandcollections) -You want to buy large enough papers that will be as large as your biggest flower. So don't buy the small scraps, and if you are doing a large canvas get the big sheets.) You can also throw in some gift wrapping tissue paper, however they tend to be harder to work with and not as vibrant.
How to Create:
First Step: Paint your canvas with a solid color or you can throw in a spot of other colors here and there. Be creative just not too busy this will be your base. You can then bring in a darker black or brown to darken your edges.
Let that dry or use a blow dryer to dry your canvas faster.
Second Step: Pick out your papers. i like to pick only 3 to 4 colors.
Now start tearing your paper. You are going to make three to four layers of very loose very not so perfect circles. They will be placed on top of eachother as a Bottom, middle(s) and top. So make various sizes and colors that will stand out. I also make my flowers different color patterns. Start placing them on your canvas to find the best composition. There is no right or wrong way to do this.
Third Step: Make sure your brush is clean. Pick up one of your flower sets (all layers) and paint a thin layer of mod podge on the canvas behind where it was. Then place the bottom layer down and add more mod podge working from the center of your flower and painting out. It's ok if the little fibers from the paper start fraying out. I think it makes it look kinda cool. Then continue like that with all your layers till you have one flower set painting on. Then work your way around the canvas with all the other flower sets, being painted down with mod podge. Then once they are all painting down go over the whole canvas with a layer of mod podge. Even the sides. Let that dry or use a blow dryer to dry it faster.
Fourth Step: Pull out your white paint and paint a circle in the center of your flowers. You can also add some text or words if you want to at this time. Then let Dry. At the very end come in with the black sharpie or black paint and a thin brush and loosely out line each layer of the flowers. Don't forget to sign your artwork! and your done.
Here is a photo collage of my Abstract Floral class. I love that they all turned uniquely differnt and so beautiful!
Here is Lucy as you can see she added a splash of lime green to her background. It turner out super neat!
Even my nice created one.
Have Fun and...
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